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Pregnant women with substance use disorders face challenges in finding obstetrical care. The SUN project in Cabarrus County is a collaborative approach to cross-sector pre-natal care that treats the mother, the newborn, and the family with a comprehensive array of services steeped in compassion.

This blog post, co-written by SOG faculty members Kirsten Leloudis and Mark Botts, addresses the requirements of Session Law (S.L.) 2023-95 and its implementation.

The SUN Brochure was designed to alleviate the concerns of program participants when initially seeking care. It serves as a guide outlining what to expect when seeking treatment. Within its pages, the brochure provides information about the SUN clinic's location and services offered. It also compiles commonly asked questions gathered during feedback sessions with program participants.

A team at UNC School of Government designed and implemented a research protocol to gain a more nuanced understanding of the effort and outcomes associated with the Substance Use Network (SUN) project. The findings from the first phase of the study are included in this report.